فارسی عربي


ÍRÁN:CI to bring Iranian films to Czech

 Festival of Iranian Films 2018 in Prague and Brno is slated to bring a lineup of Iran titles to the Czech audience. 

With “Don’t be scared!” serving as the fest’s slogan, the latest edition of “ÍRÁN:CI” event to be held in January 2018 will see various Iranian films vying in three competitive categories of Feature Film, Documentary and Short Film.

The titles in contention include movies such as 'Israfil' by Ida Panahadeh and Abed Abest’s ‘Stimulation’, ‘Parting’ by Navid Mahmoudi, Behnam Behzadi’s ‘Inversion’ and ‘Redhead’ by Karim Lakzadeh.

Among films on the festival’s roster, ‘Redhead’ might be of interest to ifilmers as an off-the-radar title in the event.

‘Redhead’ is the story of a quiet man who sets out on a journey to his home village after 14 years when he is told that his younger brother has been stabbed by a knife. Arriving at the misty snow-covered village, he soon finds himself in a spiral of mysterious events that force him to come to terms with the truth he has been escaping from for many years.

Ali Fakhr Mousavi’s ‘Autumn Memories’ jointly produced by Iran, Ukraine and the Czech Republic will also be showcased at the event.

